Anticipated Course Offerings


  • Both Molgen 4703(Human Genetics) and Molgen 5300 (Cancer Genetics) are now 3 credit hour courses
  • Only 3 credit hours graded S/U can count towards the 30 credit hour major
  • Only 3 credit hours at the 2000 level can count towards the 30 credit hour major
  • Molgen 4700 (Molecular Cell and Developmental Biology) can not be used as elective credit for the major unless you have PRIOR permission from your faculty advisor.

Changes may occur due to staffing or enrollment. 


  • MolGen 4606 (4 cr) | Molecular Genetics | Prereq: Bio 1113
    • Autumn - Drs. Singh and Husbands
    • Spring - Dr. Chamberlin
    • Summer - No Offering
  • MolGen 5601 (4 cr) | Eukaryotic Molecular Genetics Lab | Prereq: MolGen 4500 or 4606
    • Autumn - No Offering
    • Spring - Drs. Wu and Wharton
    • Summer - May offering TBD
  • MolGen 5602 (4 cr) | Eukaryotic Cell and Developmental Biology Lab | Prereq: MolGen 4500 or 4606
    • Autumn - Dr. Seeger
    • Spring - No Offering
    • Summer - No Offering
  • MolGen 5607/E (3 or 4 cr) | Cell Biology | Prereq: MolGen 4500 or 4606
    • Autumn - Drs. Herman and Meiers
    • Spring - No Offering
    • Summer - No Offering
  • MolGen 5608/E (3 or 4 cr) | Genes and Development | Prereq: MolGen 4500 or 4606
    • Autumn - No Offering
    • Spring - Drs. Dobritsa and Weinstein
    • Summer - No Offering
  • MolGen 5645 (2 cr) | Quantitative, Population, and Evolutionary Genetics | Prereq: MolGen 4500 or 4606
    • Autumn - Dr. Seeger
    • Spring - No Offering
    • Summer - No Offering
  • Biochem 4511 (4 cr) | Introduction to Biological Chemistry
    • Autumn - Offered through Biochemistry
    • Spring - Offered through Biochemistry
    • Summer - Offered through Biochemistry


  • MolGen 2220H (1 cr) | Introduction to Molecular Life Sciences: Research Opportunities and Career Options | (Prereq: Bio 1113) 
    (Contact Dr. Hopper to discuss enrollment if you are not a student in Honors or Scholars)
    • Autumn - Dr. Hopper
    • Spring - Dr. Hopper
    • Summer - No Offering
  • MolGen 2690 ( 3 cr) | Genes and Society 
    (This interdisciplinary course provides science-based exposure to topics in classical and modern genetics but with an emphasis on social and ethical issues.)
    • Autumn - No Offering
    • Spring - Drs. Cole and D’Arms
    • Summer - No Offering
  • MolGen 3300 (3 cr) | General Plant Biology | Prereq: Bio 1113
    • Autumn - No Offering
    • Spring - Dr. Hamel
    • Summer - No Offering
  • MolGen 3436 (3 cr) | Introductory Plant Physiology | Prereq: Bio 1113
    • Autumn - Dr. Somers and TBA
    • Spring - No Offering
    • Summer - No Offering
  • MolGen 4591S (1 cr, graded S/U) | DNA Fingerprinting Workshop | Prereq: MolGen 4500 or 4606
    • Autumn - No Offering
    • Spring - Dr. Bird
    • Summer - No Offering
  • MolGen 4703 (3 cr) | Human Genetics | Prereqs: MolGen 4500 or 4606
    • Autumn - Dr. Cole
    • Spring - No Offering
    • Summer - No Offering
  • MolGen 5300 (3 cr) | Cancer Genetics | Prereqs: MolGen 4500 or 4606, and 5607 recommended
    • Autumn - Drs. Ch. Burd and Cr. Burd
    • Spring - Drs Fisk and TBA
    • Summer - No Offering
  • MolGen 5623 (2 cr) | Genetics and Genomics | Prereq: MolGen 4500 or 4606, 5607, and 5608
    • Autumn - No Offering
    • Spring - Drs. Amacher and Hollick
    • Summer - No Offering
  • MolGen 5630 (3 cr) | Plant Physiology | Prereq: MolGen 4500 or 4606 and 3300
    • Autumn - Dr. Verma
    • Spring - No Offering
    • Summer - No Offering
  • MolGen 5632 (2 cr) | Insect Molecular Genetics | Prereq: MolGen 4500 or 4606
    • Autumn - Dr. Seeger
    • Spring - No Offering
    • Summer - No Offering
  • MolGen 5650 (3 cr) | Analysis and Interpretation of Biological Data | Prereqs: Math 1149 or 1150, and 10 credit hrs of life science courses at the 3000 level or higher
    • Autumn - Dr. Booton
    • Spring - No Offering
    • Summer - No Offering
  • MolGen 5700 (3 cr) | Systems of Genetic Analysis | Prereqs: 5607 and 5608
    (this is a class designed for 1st year grad students. Talk to your advisor!
    • Autumn - Drs. Ch. Burd, Dobritsa, Osmani, Weinstein, and Wharton
    • Spring - No Offering
    • Summer - No Offering
  • MolGen 5701 (3 cr) | DNA Transactions and Gene Regulation | Prereqs: 4500 or 4606 and Biochem4511
    (this is a class designed for 1st year grad students. Talk to your advisor!)
    • Autumn - Drs. Bisaro and Cr. Burd
    • Spring - No Offering
    • Summer - No Offering
  • MolGen 5705 (2 cr) | Advances in Cell Biology | Prereqs: 5607
    (this is a class designed for 1st year grad students. Talk to your advisor!) 
    • Autumn - No Offering
    • Spring - Drs. Meier, Osmani, Park, and Wu
    • Summer - No Offering
  • MolGen 5715 (2 cr) | Developmental Genetics | Prereqs: 5608
    (this is a class designed for 1st year grad students. Talk to your advisor!)
    • Autumn - No Offering
    • Spring - Drs. Dawes, Husbands, and Miles
    • Summer - No Offering
  • MolGen 5735 (3 cr) | Plant Biochemistry | Prereq: Biochem 4511
    • Autumn - No Offering
    • Spring - Dr. Verma
    • Summer - No Offering
  • MolGen 5800 (2 cr) | Organelle Biology | Prereq: MolGen 4500 or 4606
    • Autumn - Dr. Hamel
    • Spring - No Offering
    • Summer - No Offering


  • MolGen 4500/E (3 or 4 cr) | General Genetics | Prereq: Bio1113 and 3 additional cr hrs in Biological Sciences
    • Autumn - 3 offerings planned
    • Spring - 2 offerings planned
    • Summer - 1 offering planned
  • Molgen 4501 (1 cr) | General Genetics Laboratory | Prereq: MolGen 4500 or 4500E, or permission of instructor
    • Autumn - 2 offerings planned
    • Spring - 2 offerings planned
    • Summer - No Offering
  • Molgen 4502 (2 cr) | Expanded General Genetics Laboratory | Prereq: MolGen 4500 or 4500E, or permission of instructor
    • Autumn - No Offering
    • Spring - No Offering
    • Summer - No Offering
  • MolGen 4700 (3 cr) | Molecular Cell and Developmental Biology | Prereqs: MolGen 4500 or 4606)
    NOTE: this class is MAY BE an appropriate elective for Molgen majors IF AND ONLY IF they have advisor permission BEFORE registering
    • Autumn - No Offering
    • Spring - Drs. Fisk and Seeger
    • Summer - No Offering