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Molecular Genetics Graduate Union

The Molecular Genetics Graduate Union (MG GU) plays multiple roles, both professional and social, in graduate student life.  The MG GU provides a direct mechanism for student representation on matters of policy and governance.

  1. At the Departmental level, members of the MG GU attends the monthly faculty meetings. The MG GU also elects members to take part in departmental planning committees. This gives students direct access and input into policy and decisions made by the Molecular Genetics faculty. 
  2. At the University level, MG GU members can run for election to be a delegate or senator on the Council of Graduate Students (CGS). This organization is the government for the 11,000+ graduate students at OSU, and provides input to the University Senate, the Council on Research and Graduate Studies, and the Graduate School. MG has 1 seat on CGS, and all MG graduate students can participate in the annual elections to select their representative.
  3. The MG GU also coordinates social events to encourage faculty and student interactions, including the annual welcome party and several holiday events.
  4. The MG GU helps to plan and organize seminars, including named seminars where MG graduate students invite the speaker.

2023/24 Officers

  • President: Valentina Posada
  • Vice President: Caleb Embree
  • Treasurer: Ben Gilbert
  • Recruitment Chair: Lauren Levesque