

TRONDBUSS program sends student to Norway for research opportunity

Erin Murray recently spent a month with a research team in Norway studying the impacts of noise from a nearby offshore windfarm upon key species of the local aquatic food chain. By exposing…

Hopper Lab research highlighted in OSU News

Congratulations to the Hopper lab whose recent paper "Free introns of tRNAs as complementarity-dependent regulators of gene expression" was highlighted by Ohio State News. This outstanding paper,…

President’s Research Excellence Accelerator Grant to Amanda Burd and Colleagues

Congratulations to Amanda Bird who is a co-investigator on a recently awarded President's Research Excellence Accelerator Award entitled "Novel role for iron homeostasis in air pollution driven…

Anna Dobritsa

Exploration grant to Anna Dobritsa

Congratulations to Anna Dobritsa who was recently awarded an NMS Exploration Grant. Her proposal entitled "Exploring protein interactions involved in pollen aperture formation in Arabidopsis…

students at the graduate professional workshop sessions

Graduate Student Professional Development Workshop

Molecular Genetics, with generous support from the ASC Office of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice, hosted an all-day Graduate Student Professional Development Workshop on Friday, December…

Patrice Hamel

Funding for international education and research to Patrice Hamel

Congratulations to Dr. Patrice Hamel who was recently awarded a Dean's Innovation Fund Global Initiatives Grant. This funding will help support and expand the STILSA (Students in Life Sciences…

Molecular Genetics Winter Celebration

The whole department gathered on Monday, December 16th. Surrounded by festive greetings like “Yeast on Earth”, “Worm Holiday Greetings”, and “Best Fishes for 2025”, we enjoyed great food and…

Samantha Bragg

Samantha Bragg Staff in the Spotlight Winner

Congratulations to Samantha Brag who was recently recognized through the University Staff Advisory Committee's “Staff in the Spotlight” program.

This program recognizes staff…

Valentina Posada

Valentina Posada awarded training opportunity

Congratulations to Valnetina Posada, Ph.D. candidate in the Christin Burd lab who has been selected to be part of a trainee exchange program between the OSU CCC and the Huntsman Cancer Institute…