For long term planning purposes, when possible, the semester(s) courses are generally offered is indicated. These are subject to change. Note that many factors influence when/if a particular course is offered. Please check with your advisor for more definitive information.
Here is a plan of offerings for the 2024/25 academic year
Introduction to Molecular Life Sciences: Research Opportunities and Career Options
1 units, generally offered in Autumn and Spring
Course description. Faculty presentations and facility tours to introduce first- and second- year students to research opportunities in molecular life sciences.
Prereq: Biology 1113 or 1113H.
Genes and Society
3 units, generally offered in Spring
Course description. This team taught, interdisciplinary course (crosslisted as PHILOS 2690) provide science-based exposure to topics in classical and modern genetics but with an emphasis on social and ethical issues. Together we will discuss what genes are, and how they work, and how your genome influences traits and behaviors in the context of social beliefs and philosophy.
Prereq: Not open to students with credit for Philos 2690. Cross-listed in Philos.
General Plant Biology
3 units, generally offered in Spring
Course description. Plant structure and function; growth and development; diversity, reproduction, and evolution of lower and flowering plants; people, the biosphere, and plant diversity.
Prereq: Biology 1101, 1113, or 1113H. Not open to students with credit for PlntBio 300 or HCS 300. GE nat sci bio course.
Requires materials and/or equipment for which an additional fee has been assessed. Course Fees listed at
Introductory Plant Physiology
3 units, generally offered in Autumn
Course description. Topics in plant physiology at the introductory level: diffusion, transpiration, water stress, translocation, photosynthesis, plant growth hormones, tropisms, flowering, and fruit development.
Prereq: Biology 1113, 1113H, 1114, 1114H, and 6 cr hrs in Chem. Not open to students with credit for PlntBio 436, 630 or 631.
MOLGEN 4500.01/4500.01E/4500.02
General Genetics/General Genetics with embedded honors
Note 4500.01 indicates in person offerings, 4500.02 indicates remote (usually synchronous) offerings.
3 units (4500) or 4 units (4500E), generally offered in Autumn, Spring, and Summer
Course description. The principles of genetics, including molecular genetics, transmission genetics of prokaryotes and eukaryotes, developmental and non-chromosomal genetics, recombinant DNA and genomics, and the genetics and evolution of populations.
Prereq: Biology 1101, 1113, or 1113H, and 3 additional sem cr hrs in Biological Sciences. Not open to students with credit for 4606, 500, 500H, 605, or 606.
General Genetics Laboratory
1 unit, generally offered in Autumn, Spring, and Summer
Course description. MolGen 4501 Laboratory complements the MolGen 4500 lecture course. It provides laboratory experiences in a wide range of molecular genetic laboratory techniques and approaches, and utilization of relevant genetic model systems.
Prereq or concur: MolGen 4500 or 4500E, or permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit for MolGen 5601 (601) or 5602 (602).
Expanded General Genetics Laboratory
2 units, irregular offering schedule. Ask your advisor!
Course description. Complements MolGen 4500. In-depth laboratory experiences in a wide range of molecular genetic laboratory techniques and approaches, and utilization of relevant genetic model systems.
Prereq or concur: MolGen 4500 or 4500E, or permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit for MolGen 4501, 5601 (601) or 5602 (602).
Molecular Genetics Writing Project
1 units, individually scheduled course
Course description. Practice in searching, reading, and analyzing literature in molecular genetics, and in written and oral presentation.
Prereq: 4500, or 4606. Not open to students with credit for 503. Requires instructor permission prior to registration.
BioEYES: Hands-on STEM learning with zebrafish in Columbus Public Elementary Schools
1 units, generally offered in Autumn
Course description. A service learning course whereby undergraduates mentor and provide hands on science experiences for upper level elementary school students using the established BioEYES curriculum. Students will be required to participate in off-campus activities; some evening/weekend meetings may be required.
Prereq: Bio 1113, and an upper division science or science ed course. Repeatable to a maximum of 3 cr hrs. This course is graded S/U. For more information, see the syllabus and FAQ
DNA Finger Printing Workshops in Columbus Public Schools
1 units, generally offered in Spring
Course description. A service learning course whereby undergraduates mentor high school students in molecular biology workshops. Students will be required to participate in off-campus activities; some evening/weekend meetings may be required.
Prereq: MolGen 4500 or 4606. Repeatable to a maximum of 3 cr hrs. This course is graded S/U. Cross-listed in Biochem and MicrBio. For more information see the syllabus and FAQ
Molecular Genetics
4 units, generally offered in Autumn and Spring
Course description. A comprehensive genetics course for majors covering transmission and molecular genetics; DNA replication, repair and mutation; transcription and translation; analysis and manipulation of genes at the molecular level.
Prereq: Biology 1113, 1113H, 1114, 1114H, or Chem 1210 or equiv, or permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit for 605 or 606; or 4500 (500) unless waived by instructor.
Molecular Cell and Developmental Biology
3 units, generally offered in Spring
A genetics-based introduction to the structure and function of cells and the early development of invertebrates and vertebrates, with a special focus on the molecular mechanisms underpinning cellular biology and development.
Prereq: 4500 or 4606; or permission of instructor. Not open to students with grades of C- or above in 5607 and 5608, except with permission of instructor/major advisor.
Human Genetics
3 units, generally offered in Autumn
Course Description. This course covers principles of human genetics, including mapping and identification of disease genes, animal models, genetic testing and gene therapy, with a focus on reading the primary scientific literature.
Prereq: Completion of 4500 or 4606 with a minimum grade of C-; or instructor permission. Not open to students with credit for 5733.
Undergraduate Research in Molecular Genetics
1 - 5 units, individually scheduled course
Course description. Undergraduate research in molecular genetics. Requires instructor permission prior to registration.
Prereq: Permission of instructor. Repeatable to a maximum of 20 cr hrs or 8 completions. This course is graded S/U.
Undergraduate Research in Molecular Genetics
1 - 5 units, individually scheduled course
Course description. Undergraduate research in molecular genetics. Requires instructor permission prior to registration.
Prereq: Permission of instructor. Repeatable to a maximum of 20 cr hrs or 8 completions. This course is graded S/U.
Thesis Research in Molecular Genetics
1 - 5 units
Course description. A program of reading and research leading to a senior thesis. Requires instructor permission prior to registration.
Prereq: Sr standing, and permission of instructor. Repeatable to a maximum of 10 cr hrs or 2 completions. This course is graded S/U.
Thesis Research in Molecular Genetics
1 - 5 units, individually scheduled course
Course description. A program of reading and research leading to a senior thesis. Requires instructor permission prior to registration.
Prereq: Sr standing, and permission of instructor. Repeatable to a maximum of 10 cr hrs or 2 completions. This course is graded S/U.
Individual Studies
1 - 3 units, individually scheduled course. Requires instructor permission prior to registration.
Course description. Problem may be selected in the fields of molecular genetics, genomics, cell biology, developmental biology and plant sciences.
Prereq: at least 10 credit hours in biological sciences and permission of instructor. Repeatable to a maximum of 10 cr hrs or 4 completions. This course is graded S/U.
Group Studies
1 - 3 units, no regularly scheduled offerings
Course description. Group study of special topics in the fields of molecular genetics, genomics, cell biology, developmental biology, and plant sciences.
Prereq: Permission of instructor. Repeatable to a maximum of 8 cr hrs or 4 completions.
Cancer Genetics
3 units, generally offered in Autumn and Spring
Course description. Students will learn about the genetic evolution of human cancer. Specifically, the hallmarks of cellular transformation and tumor progression will be discussed. Students will be introduced to modern approaches aimed at targeting genetic aberrations in cancer cells. Includes hands-on training in the use of online databases of cancer Genetics.
Prereq: C- or better in MolGen 4606 or 4500; or Grad standing.
Eukaryotic Molecular Genetics Lab
3 - 4 units, generally offered in Spring
Course description. Current laboratory techniques used in the genetic, cellular, and molecular analyses of yeast, Drosophila, and other model systems.
Prereq: 4500 or 4606, or permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit for 601.
Eukaryotic Cell and Developmental Biology Laboratory
3 - 4 units, generally offered in Autumn and possibly summer
Course description. Laboratory course emphasizing techniques and methods central to cell and developmental biology of eukaryotes.
Prereq: 4500 or 4606, or permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit for 602.
MOLGEN 5607/5607E
Cell Biology/Cell Biology with embedded honors
3 units (5607) or 4 units (5607E), Both 5607 and 5607 E are offered in the Autumn. 5607 with recitations is offered in the Spring.
Course description. Analysis of the structure and function of animal and plant cells and their components, stressing molecular genetic and biochemical approaches.
Prereq: 4500 or 4606. Not open to students with credit for 607, 607H, 5607E.
MOLGEN 5608/5608E
Genes and Development/Genes and Development with embedded honors
3 units (5608) or 4 units (5608E), generally offered in Spring
Course description. Analysis of animal and plant development using modern genetic approaches.
Prereq: 4500 or 4606. Not open to students with credit for 5608E or 608.
MOLGEN 5623 (Next planned offering SP2025)
Genetics and Genomics
2 units, generally offered in Spring
Course description. A survey and discussion of genomic studies applied to fungal, animal, or plants systems.
Prereq: 4500, 4606, 5607, or 5608, or Grad standing. Not open to students with credit for PlntBio 623.
Plant Physiology
3 units, irregular offering schedule. Ask your advisor! Offering planned Autumn 2021
Course description. Advanced study of plant physiology; regulation of plant growth and development, hormones, and stress physiology.
Prereq: 3300, 4500, 4606, Biology 1114, 1114H, or permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit for PlntBio 630 or 631.
Insect Molecular Genetics
2 units, irregular offering schedule. Ask your advisor!
Course description. Structure, genetics, and methodology of insect genes and genomes.
Prereq: 4500 or 4606. Not open to students with credit for 632 or Entomol 632.
Plant Anatomy
3 units, there is currently no planned offering of this course
Course description. The structure, function, and development of cells, tissues, and organs of vascular plants.
Prereq: 3300, Biology 1114, 1114H, or PlntBio 300, and 10 cr hrs in Life Sciences; or permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit for PlntBio 643.
Quantitative, Population, and Evolutionary Genetics
2 units, generally offered in Autumn
Course description. The genetics of populations, including quantitative, population, and evolutionary genetics.
Prereq: 4500 or 4606. Not open to students with credit for 640 or EEOB 640.
Analysis and Interpretation of Biological Data
3 units, generally offered in Autumn
Course description. Methods of analyzing biological data including: sampling, descriptive statistics, distributions, analysis of variance, inference, regression, and correlation. Emphasizes practical applications of statistics in the biological sciences.
Prereq: Math 1149 or 1150 or equiv, and 10 semester cr hrs at the 3000-level or above in Agricultural or Biological Sciences. Not open to students with credit for 650.
Integrated Molecular and Cellular Biology for Non-Biologists
5 units, irregular offering schedule. Ask your advisor!
Course description. Overview of molecular and cellular biology of single cells, tissues, organisms and their interactions, including genetics and biochemistry of single cells.
Prereq: Biology 1101 or equiv, or permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit for 4500 (500), 4606 (606), 605, 660, 661, or Math 5660. Cross-listed in Math.
Frontiers in Life Sciences Research: Genomics, Proteomics and Bioethics
1 unit, there is currently no planned offering of this course
Course description. As genomes are being sequenced at a rapid pace, students in life sciences need to stay abreast of the tools required to exploit genomic information. Covers the theoretical underpinnings of modern tools used in proteomics, genetics and genomics. Ethical issues associated with the remarkable advances in modern biology will be discussed. Includes videoconferencing with peers in India.
Prereq: 4500, 4606, Biochem 4511, or 5615. Not open to students with credit for Biochem 5694. This course is graded S/U. NS Admis Cond course. Cross-listed in Biochem.
Systems of Genetic Analysis
3 units, generally offered in Autumn
Course description. Analysis of select fungal, invertebrate, vertebrate, and plant model systems used in modern experimental genetics.
Prereq: 4500, 4606, 5607, or 5608, or Grad standing, or permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit for 700.
DNA Transactions and Gene Regulation
3 units, generally offered in Autumn
Course description. Understanding mechanisms of DNA replication, DNA repair and recombination, transcription, translation, regulation of gene expression, and the experimental approaches to these topics.
Prereq: 4500, 4606, Biochem 4511, or equiv, and Sr standing; or Grad standing; or permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit for Biochem 5701 or 702. Cross-listed in Biochem.
Advances in Cell Biology
2 units, generally offered in Spring
Course description. An advanced study of selected key areas of research in eukaryotic cell biology.
Prereq: A grade of B- or better in 5607, or grad standing, or permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit for 705
Developmental Genetics
2 units, generally offered in Spring
Course description. An advanced study of the regulation of developmentally significant genes and cellular interactions involved in differentiation and pattern formation in invertebrate, vertebrate, and plant model organisms.
Prereq: A grade of B- or better in 5608, or grad standing, or permission of instructor Not open to students with credit for 715.
Advanced Human Genetics
2 units, irregular offering schedule. Ask your Advisor!
Course description. The principles of human genetics covering mapping of disease genes, defects causing human disease, the cloning of disease genes, gene therapy, transgenes, and specific pathological disorders.
Prereq: 4500, 4606, or equiv, with a minimum grade of C- and Sr standing; or Grad standing; or permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit for 733, MolBioC 5733 (733), or Pathol 5733 (733). Cross-listed in MolBioC and Pathol.
Plant Biochemistry
3 units, irregular offering schedule. Ask your advisor!
Course description. metabolic networks, cell wall and lipid synthesis, and nitrogen and sulfur assimilation for macromolecular synthesis.
Prereq: Biochem 4511, or equiv. Not open to students with credit for PlntBio 735 or 736. Cross-listed in Biochem.
Current Topics in Signal Transduction
1 - 2 units, irregular offering schedule. Ask your advisor!
Course description. provide in-depth analysis of molecular signaling networks involved in the regulation of cell growth, cell death, inflammation, and stress responses and the role of these networks in development of diseases such as obesity, inflammation, cardiovascular disease, and cancer.
Prereq: 5607, 5608, 5607E, 5608E, 607H, BioChem 4511 or equiv, or Grad standing, or permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit for PlntBio 796.
Study at a Foreign Institution
Currently, Molecular Genetics offers a study abroad opportunity in Norway each May. See this article for more information
1 - 15 units
Course description. Specific content, location, semester(s) of offering, and prerequisites vary; contact department office for details.
Prereq: Permission of instructor. Repeatable to a maximum of 15 cr hrs or 3 completions.
Study Tour: Domestic
1 - 15 units
Course description. Specific content, location, semester(s) of offering, and prerequisites vary; contact department office for details.
Prereq: Permission of instructor. Repeatable to a maximum of 15 cr hrs or 3 completions. This course is graded S/U.
Organelle Biology
2 units. irregular offering schedule. Ask your advisor!
Course description. Structure and function of plastids and mitochondria, apicoplasts and hydrogenosomes.
Prereq: 4500, 4500E, or 4606, or permission of instructor. Cross-listed in Microbiology.