October 26, 2022
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2022-10-26 16:10:00
2022-10-26 17:05:00
Molecular Genetics Seminar: Nabora S. Reyes de Barboza
Join us via Zoom for a seminar presentation by Dr. Nabora S. Reyes de Barboza, UCSF Chancellor’s Postdoctoral Fellow University of California San Francisco - School of Medicine
Sentinel p16INK4a+ cells in the basement membrane form a reparative niche in the lung
Hosted by: Valentina Posada (posada.1@buckeyemail.osu.edu) and Dr. Christin Burd (Christin.Burd@osumc.edu)
(Meeting ID: 932 1108 0362: Passcode: 348704).
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OSU ASC Drupal 8
Date Range
2022-10-26 16:10:00
2022-10-26 17:05:00
Molecular Genetics Seminar: Nabora S. Reyes de Barboza
Join us via Zoom for a seminar presentation by Dr. Nabora S. Reyes de Barboza, UCSF Chancellor’s Postdoctoral Fellow University of California San Francisco - School of Medicine
Sentinel p16INK4a+ cells in the basement membrane form a reparative niche in the lung
Hosted by: Valentina Posada (posada.1@buckeyemail.osu.edu) and Dr. Christin Burd (Christin.Burd@osumc.edu)
(Meeting ID: 932 1108 0362: Passcode: 348704).
Via Zoom
Join us via Zoom for a seminar presentation by Dr. Nabora S. Reyes de Barboza, UCSF Chancellor’s Postdoctoral Fellow University of California San Francisco - School of Medicine
Sentinel p16INK4a+ cells in the basement membrane form a reparative niche in the lung
Hosted by: Valentina Posada (posada.1@buckeyemail.osu.edu) and Dr. Christin Burd (Christin.Burd@osumc.edu)
(Meeting ID: 932 1108 0362: Passcode: 348704).