2025 MolGen Scholarship & Research Award Application
Application deadline: Monday, February 17, 2025 at 5:00pm.
Email bragg.137@osu.edu to apply!
The OSU undergraduate must be:
- a Molecular Genetics major.
- conducting undergraduate research at OSU and have an OSU faculty advisor who has agreed to be responsible for overseeing the research project.
- enrolled as a full-time student for Spring 2025, Autumn 2025, and Spring 2026 semesters.
- in good academic standing at the time of application.
MolGen Scholarships:
Provides funds toward student tuition costs through the financial aid office. Awarded funds can only be used toward tuition during semesters of enrollment (typically AU and SP).
- TJ Byers Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Elizabeth Wagner Scholarship Fund
MolGen Research Award:
Provides a stipend for students to fund a research laboratory experience in the summer (student must not be enrolled), OR provides funds toward student tuition costs during semesters of enrollment (typically AU and SP, but can also be in SU semester).
- Jim Hopper Memorial Undergraduate Research Fund
Components required in your Application document:
- Personal Statement: Write a personal statement that tells the story of who you are, where you hope to go, and how you envision a Molecular Genetics scholarship impacting your future.
- Formatting requirements: PDF format; 2 pages maximum; single-spaced; 1" margins; 11 pt font.
- Project Description: The project description should include the following sections: Introduction/Background (including a project purpose statement), Methodology, and Expected Outcomes. References should be included. Please also clearly describe your role(s) and responsibility(ies) on the research or creative project.
- Formatting requirements: PDF format; 2 pages maximum, excluding references; single-spaced; 1" margins; 11 pt font.
- Advising Report
- Resume
- All components should be compiled into a single PDF file.
- Filename: Lastname_Firstname_MG2025 (Example: A student named Anita Hopper would save her file as "Hopper_Anita_MG2025.pdf")
- Items below are not needed in the PDF, but should be given in your email with your application.
- First and Last Name
- OSU Email Address
- Student ID
- What award you are applying for (MG Scholarship or MG Research Award)
- Major and Minor
- Gender
- Faculty Research Advisor First and Last Name
Additional Requirement:
A letter of support must be provided by the student's OSU faculty research advisor. The letter should be submitted directly by the faculty advisor to bragg.137@osu.edu.
Letters of support must be submitted as a PDF document and saved as follows: StudentLastName_FacultyLastName_MG2025.pdf. For example, Susan Cole (faculty) writing a letter of support on behalf of Samantha Bragg (student) would be saved as: Bragg_Cole_MG2025.pdf.
Other Awards:
Any student awarded a MolGen Scholarship or Research Award must disclose any other scholarships/awards they have been granted to the Department of Molecular Genetics. The ability for the student to accept or decline the MolGen award will be dependent on the amount and timing of the other scholarships/awards.
Questions? Contact Samantha Bragg at bragg.137@osu.edu