BioEYES participates in OSU STEAMM Rising!
On June 3, 2024, almost 100 Columbus City Schools teachers visited OSU as part of the week-long STEAMM Rising program. The visitors spent the first day rotating through 4 different activities, including BioEYES at Rightmire Hall. The teachers performed some of the same activities and observations as students do during a BioEYES visit. It was fantastic to interact with these engaged teachers and start thinking about how to collaborate in the future. Thanks to Clare Austin, Tom Gallagher, and Gina Nostramo for helping Sharon Amacher run the event – we appreciate how the Molecular Genetics community engages with our broader community!
Read more about Columbus BioEYES on the OSU College of Arts & Sciences page and The Molecular Genetics Department page, and consider donating to the program at the OSU Giving page.