Molecular Genetics participates in WestFest 2024!

November 21, 2024

Molecular Genetics participates in WestFest 2024!

Volunteers at Westfest 2024

On Saturday, October 19th, almost 50 campus groups and community partners gathered on west campus to provide family-friendly hands-on STEM activities for the Columbus community. This year’s event featured 46 activity booths and two behind-the-scenes tours. About 450 people from around Columbus attended the event, a huge success!

Molecular Genetics ran several activities centered on “FUNdamentals of Genetics”, including Punnett squares, zebrafish and pollen microscopy, virus models, and DNA decoding. Fourteen wonderful volunteers help throughout the day: undergrads Laurel Fleszar, Carter Gaines, Natalie Kazmierowicz, Juhi Kotwani, Maria Nath, Shane Tian, graduate student Nels O’Connell, postdocs Chris Benson, Geremy Lerma, Piao Yang, and faculty Sharon Amacher, David Bisaro, Susan Cole, and Anna Dobritsa. We appreciate them sharing their love of science with our broader community!