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New NIH funding to the Dawes Lab!

November 19, 2019

New NIH funding to the Dawes Lab!

Dr. Chamberlin

Congratulations to the Adriana Dawes Lab, who recently were awarded an R01 grant from the National Institutes of Health. The 4-year grant, entitled "Mathematical investigation of dynein-mediated centrosome positioning in polarized cells" will use combinations of mathematical modeling and bench science to examine the mechanisms that regulate centrosome positioning in cells. Proper centrosome positioning is critical during development, and is regulated by highly conserved biochemical, mechanical and geometric cues. This project utilizes theoretical and experimental approaches spanning small scale molecular interactions to cellular scale organization to elucidate the mechanisms regulating centrosome positioning prior to mitosis. Since proper centrosome positioning is required for a variety of developmental processes, this understanding could lead to comprehensive identification of defects due to impaired centrosome positioning, and development of targeted therapies. Dr. Helen Chamberlin is a collaborator on the grant as well.