Ohio State Energy Partners award for international education to Patrice Hamel

July 8, 2024

Ohio State Energy Partners award for international education to Patrice Hamel

Patrice Hamel

Congratulations to Patrice Hamel, whose grant entitled "Experiential Learning in Sustainability: An International Perspective (ELSIP)" was recently funded by ENGIE via the Office of Academic Affairs. 

This project will to instill and support a culture of sustainability by offering a beyond-the-classroom educational experience to participants interested in contributing to sustainability efforts on a global scale. In collaboration with a France-based expert in decarbonized economy, a group of four selected students will collect US-based carbon emission data in transport, food and agriculture, housing, goods, and services to build a US-relevant interactive workshop to support the transition to a low-carbon society. Another group of five selected students will be individually placed in sustainability-focused companies that have emerged from the ecological transition to a carbon-neutral economy or companies that are undergoing transformation to adopt sustainable business practices.