OSU cohort win awards at Ohio Zebrafish Undergraduate Research Conference

March 29, 2023

OSU cohort win awards at Ohio Zebrafish Undergraduate Research Conference

Attendants at Zebrafish undergrad meeting 2023

The second annual Ohio Zebrafish Undergraduate Research conference was held at Kenyon college on March 25th, and the  Zebrafish Research Student Organization sent a large contingent of OSU postdoc and grad student trainees to the conference to support the undergraduate presenters, who came from all over Ohio and beyond (Ohio State, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, Ashland University, Kenyon College, Cleveland Clinic, Wayne State University, University of Louisville, Lawrence Technological University, The University of Akron, Miami University, University of Notre Dame, and Mount St. Joseph University).

Geremy Lerma, Kamorah Rylick, and Sharon Amacher

Kamorah Ryhlick, a Biology undergrad, won Best Talk award for her talk entitled, “Designing a CRISPR-Cas9 pipeline to investigate the effects of putative genetic modifiers of Duchenne muscular dystrophy”. Kamorah is mentored by Geremy Lerma (MG graduate student) in the Amacher lab. OSU undergrad Andrew Russell (BIomedical Science major in the Goldman lab) won best poster for his work "A cardiac transcriptional enhancer for regeneration activates an anti-proliferative program". The meeting was also attended by Melissa Brewer (Molecular Genetics major in the Ye lab), and Kristen Nedza (Molecular Genetics major in the Singh/Amacher labs), and Charles Franz (Goldman lab).

We are so proud of our undergraduate researchers and the support they get from their graduate and faculty mentors!