Devoted to exploring questions in the fields of molecular, cellular and developmental genetics
Devoted to exploring questions in the fields of molecular, cellular and developmental genetics
The Dept. of Molecular Genetics, partnering with @ASCareersuccess, is offering paid sustainability internships w/ companies in Norway and Brazil! Undergrad (degree seeking or graduated) &…
Erin Murray recently spent a month with a research team in Norway studying the impacts of noise from a nearby offshore windfarm upon key species of the local aquatic food chain. By exposing…
Congratulations to the Hopper lab whose recent paper "Free introns of tRNAs as complementarity-dependent regulators of gene expression" was highlighted by Ohio State News. This outstanding paper,…
Congratulations to Amanda Bird who is a co-investigator on a recently awarded President's Research Excellence Accelerator Award entitled "Novel role for iron homeostasis in air pollution driven…