Students In Life Sciences Abroad (STILSA)
International Research Internships
(Norway, Brazil and France)
STILSA (Students in Life Sciences Abroad), an international education program based in the department of Molecular Genetics in partnership with ASC career success and the Office of International Affairs Brazil Gateway, offers paid career building and credit-earning experiential learning opportunities to OSU degree-seeking or graduated undergraduate/master students in biology-based subdisciplines or areas.
Internships at Foreign Institutions: Several in-lab or in-field research-focused opportunities in the field of systems biology, neuroscience, marine biology, plant biology, RNA biology, terrestrial ecology, biomaterial science and animal ecophysiology are available as fulltime independent and individual experiences and will take place at NTNU (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) in Norway, Sorbonne Université and Paris-Saclay Université in France and University of Sao Paolo in Brazil. The list of the 14 host laboratories and a general description of the scientific activities (and possible research projects) can be viewed here.
All internships last for 90 days (3 months) maximum and can start as early as May 2025 and as late as October 2025. Selected participants 1) will receive $5,000 as a stipend to off-set the cost of their experience abroad, 2) must enroll at OSU during the time of their internship abroad to earn credit for the experience abroad and 3) must also register their travel in the OIA travel registry and purchase mandatory insurance coverage. The dates of the internship will be finalized in consultation with the host laboratory. To apply for the opportunity, students should click here and follow the instructions. The deadline for applying is Feb 16 (11:59 PM)
Students can contact Dr. P. Hamel (hamel.16@osu.edu) and J. Brihm-Spann (brihm-spann.1@osu.edu) for further enquiry. Applicants can also contact former STILSA student participants (STILSA-TRONDBUSSalumni@osu.edu) if they need information about the experience abroad and application process