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Congratulations to Keith Slotkin who was invited to present the "Seymour Benzer Lecture" at the National Academy of Sciences. This is real honor for a junior faculty member and quite a big stage…

And double congratulations to Christin Burd who recently received two extramural grants:

(1) From the Melanoma Research Alliance – a Young Investigator Award entitled "Stromal p16NK4a as a…

Congratulations to Patrice Hamel who has been awarded a grant from the OSU Office of Energy and Environment entitled "Engineering Pathways for Hydrogen Production"

From the A. Hopper lab: ""Separate responses of karyopherins to glucose and amino acid availability regulate nucleocytoplasmic transport" has been accepted for publication in Mol. Biol. of the…

From Anita Hopper's lab: "Requirement of the spindle pole body for targeting and/or tethering proteins to the inner nuclear membrane" is in press in NUCLEUS. It is authored by Diaz, Harchar, Lai,…

From Iris Meier's lab: "Efficient plant male fertility depends on vegetative nuclear movement mediated by two families of plant outer nuclear membrane proteins" is in press at PNAS. The paper is…

Congratulations to Mandy Simcox who has just received a 2-yr NSF EAGER grant to support her research concerning Drosophila cell lines "Generation of Cell-type Specific Cell Lines for Drosophila"…

Anita Hopper lab recent manuscript by PCMB graduate student Jingyan Wu (Wu and Hopper) has been accepted for publication in Genes and Development. Jingyan was chosen as a platform speaker for the…

Iris Meier lab recent publication – Zhou et al was published June 6 in J. Cell Biology and it was highlighted "In This Issue" section of the journal. More good news from news from the Meier…